Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Talking Hites

I have started a new site called TalkingHites, so that there are no more Meta type Entries on this site. What what is the first thing I do, I post a meta type entry, but it is for a good reason. It is the last of the meta type entries and to tell you where you can find them in the future and many, many more.

You may notice that I have taken some of the informational stuff that is not about the weekly short story contest off this site. It is not that I don't think those things are important, but I don't want to detract from the stories.

I wanted to have a place where I could talk about other writing, future projects, other podcasts, books and movies without distracting people from the wonderful stories that we have here every week.

So if you are a Greathites Regular you might want to check out TalkingHites and see what is going on there for more information.

That is

Download Greathites Meta #2