Monday, October 6, 2008

Look, up in the Sky!

Download GreatHites Short 13 Audio

Thanks to my readers Chris, Patrick and Thomas Hite.

"Look, up in the sky."
"Hey, is that the Flashback?"
"Come on, you know the Flashback doesn't fly. It must Superguy!"
"Are you crazy? Superguy's costume doesn't look anything like that. Maybe it is one of the of league of bad guys."
"Do they even have anyone that can fly like that? I thought they all had machines to help them fly."
"True, true. Then who could it be?"
"What are you guys doing?"
"Oh Hi, we are trying to figure out what super hero that is up there."
"Really? Where?"
"Right up there."
"That thing?"
"Yup that one."
"Dudes that's and airplane."