Monday, May 3, 2010

Great Hites Season 3 Prompt number 1

Great Hites Season 3 Prompt number 1
this Week's Prompt is:

"the floor is covered with shattered flatware, and the room is dark."

This is the first of the stories without a deadline. If you write a story about the prompt it does not have to be done in a week. It could be the inspiration for the next great American novel, or it could be the muse that makes you start your own podcast. Whatever you decide. If you would like to send the audio to greathites I will play it as a bonus episode, but in that case the rules still apply. it must be PG, but I will be flexible on length.

The GreatHites prompts are all protected under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. That means feel free to use the prompt to write whatever you like and submit it to any where you would like, publish it yourself, whatever you would like to do with it, but please let people know where you got the idea.

Thank you everyone.

Creative Commons License
GreatHites Prompts by GreatHites is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at